Archive for July, 2010

Dean Mayo wana be…

Almost as good as Dean.


Spent most of last week down at NASS. The weather seamed to hold up well this time for a change, dispite a bit of a side wind on the trails. Was good to hang out with good old boys, ride abit and get pretty waisted.

Few pics from my ipone. Better pics soon mmaaayybeeee.

Working on the street course till late. (clock)

Straight up chillin

Lima dj set.

Saturday morning. the aftermath. Found a bottle of poppers, went and chilled.

Back at the woods, shit getting dialed. Should be ok for water for the rest of the summer.

tattoo mondays.

pipe update.

12 mile boat adventure.

So last weekend was pretty warm so we decided to sack off the trails and head to the river. We thought that it was a sick idea to go to islip (a village about 6 miles north of Oxford) and float down the river to where it meets the Thames, which is by Polls. Worked out when we went round all the bends to be closer to 12 miles, and the lack of any current ment our planned 4 hour cruise turned into a 7 hour test of stamminer. Good times tho.