Archive for the ‘BMX’ Category

This is amazing.

Happy Birthday Craig Stevens!

Went to Blessings Force the other day in Cowley, to watch some bands and see Tinheds wacky art. We got really drunk untill Tinhed smashed up his art and we went to the O2. good times.

Tinheds art v


Photo of the week.

Farewell Lima.

So Last weekend we went out for Limas Birthday / send off, as he’s gone to live in Austin for 3 months, with our good friend Matt priest. for updates on him, follow him on twitter or just look on


Up to no good, somewhere we really shouldnt be at 3am..

Harry Potter?

Summer Video

Footage which was filmed during the summer without a home.

Photo memorys.

Came across these photos from our last trails. The last few I ever got.

Lima is now on Verde and Cinema. Incase you didn’t know…

This is Amazing.

Cocktail making with phil aller.